Meet Los Meekly Boys:
Greg Gonzalez & Daniel Zafran

We're L.A. Meekly! Not L.A. Weekly, those are other people.
L.A. Meekly is our special little podcast covering the interesting characters and moments in Los Angeles history. Every month we take a broad topic and teach each other a-little thing or two about ol' Angel City as we build a giant quilt of moments that have made L.A the city it is now. Some of our topics include famous bank robberies, famous hot dogs, pre-Dodger baseball, haunted houses haunted hotels and haunted people, gone-but-not-forgotten landmarks that may-or-may-not now be parking lots, smog, floods, heatwaves, foods that originate in Los Angeles, Jazz, piers and of course the Dodgers and the Kings among many other topics.

GREG GONZALEZ (Left): Comedian, writer, looking for a friend who owns a boat. Follow Greg on Twitter @grego_gonzo and Instagram: @gregogonzo.
DANIEL ZAFRAN (Right): Comedian, writer, and famed salsa dancer. Follow Daniel on Twitter: @dmzafran