Episode 46: Cult Classics (Los Angeles Cults, Communes and Movements)

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Bettmann/Getty Images

Feeling empty? Afraid? Alone? Then turn over all your personal possessions and follow us! Join us as we take a journey of self discovery through a few of LA’s cults from the Blackburns to Synanon. “The Man” and police involvement need not apply. We’ll cover the history of Los Angeles cults including Aimee Semple McPherson (10:07), the Source Family (47:26), the Blackburns (1:19:38) and Synanon (1:33:23).


Episode 47: To Thanksgive and Die in LA (Meekly Boys Give Tanks)


Episode 45: Themes, Schemes and Oceanside Dreams (Los Angeles Amusement Parks)