Episode 17: Googie A-Go-Go (History of Googie Architecture)


Eldon Davis and Louis Armet with a model of a proposed Huddle Restaurant.

Pull up a cantilevered stool and order a malt while we delve into the architectural style with the irritating name that defined the look of Los Angeles. We'll touch on the architects and establishments that made it possible from the eponymous Googie's itself to the legendary Armet and Davis. No substitutions. We'll cover a brief history of Googie as a style, Coffee Dan's and Googie's, Ships Coffee Shop, Denny's, Pann's and Norm's.


Episode 18: Bad Cop/Bad Cop (The Story of the Rampart Division of LAPD & Christopher Dorner)


BONUS EPISODE: Lucy, Iā€™m Homing!