Episode 14: Hollywood Area or Bust! (Famous Out-of-Towners in Los Angeles)


F. Scott Fitzgerald’s postcard to himself at the Garden of Allah, ca 1937.

This month we explore two of your favorite American authors, one of your favorite heroes from the Old West and one of your favorite Beatles who all spent brief but memorable (and drunken) stays in Los Angeles. Hint: It’s not Stephen King, John Ringo, Johnny Ringo or Ringo Starr. We've got William Faulkner, Wyatt Earp, F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Lennon.

Also, listen to the two of us try to shake off a decent Rod Serling impression.  It takes awhile.


Episode 15: Forget It (The Chinatown Story)


Episode 13: Creepy Christmas/Chaunted Channukah Part BOO! (Spooky Stories #2)