Episode 31: Float Hopes (The History Behind Big L.A. Parades)


The Gay Pride Parade on Hollywood Blvd, 1977. Photograph by Lawrence Downing courtesy Los Angeles Public Library / Herald Examiner Collection.

March along with us to the beat of the stories of a few of LA’s biggest parades! Including and limited to the PRIDE Parade (6:10), the Hollywood Christmas Parade (20:46), the Festival of the Chariots (36:51), La Fiesta de Los Angeles (42:53), the Rose Parade (1:03:50)and the Doo Dah Parade (1:20:23). No we do not have a permit for this episode.


Episode 32: The Grand O’lympics (The History of the L.A. Olympics of ‘33 and ‘84)


Episode 30: Well, Dam! (The Story of the St. Francis Dam, and the SoCal Gas Leak)