Episode 8: There Will Be Mud (Extreme Weather in Los Angeles)


Snow in Los Angeles during the winter of 1948. UCLA Archives.

This month we talk about the extreme forms of weather Los Angeles has been subjected to throughout history. Join us as we watch the thermometer go from hot and dry to hot and wet to hot and on fire. We’ll also give you tips on what you can do to survive the city’s impending environmental doom. Hint: not much! We cover heatwaves, the Santa Ana winds, snow, tornadoes, smog, wildfires, droughts, floods and the dreaded ARkStorm.

(We apologize for the slight loss in audio quality this episode. Tom Bosley was being very uncooperative. That will make sense shortly.)


Episode 9: The Meekly-Go-Round Broke Down (The History of Animation in Los Angeles)


Episode 7: Under the *Venice* Boardwalk… *Venice* Boardwalk (Venice)