Episode 21: Uproot-Root-Root for the Home Team (Pre-Dodger Baseball and the Uprooting of Chavez Ravine)


Movers remove belongings of the Vargas-Arechiga family at 1771 Malvina Avenue in Chávez Ravine. Media is reporting on the removal. Later the property became part of the Los Angeles Dodgers' ball park. Photo date: May 9, 1959. Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks and we'll tell you the story of Los Angeles' baseball history before the boys in blue showed up including the upheaval in Chavez Ravine to make room for said boys in blue. We cover pre-Dodger baseball in LA (3:44) and the tragedy of Chavez Ravine (57:35).


Episode 22: A Song of Ice & Umpire! The History of the L.A. Kings and the Los Angeles Dodgers


Episode 20: You’re Killing Me, LARy! (The History of the Red Car, the Yellow Car, Trolleys and Pacific Electric)