Episode 22: A Song of Ice & Umpire! The History of the L.A. Kings and the Los Angeles Dodgers


Photograph caption dated April 18, 1958 reads, "Today's ceremonies started on the steps of City Hall. There Walter O'Malley, president of the Dodgers, presented this home plate, signed by players and executives, to Mayor Norris Poulson (left)." Los Angeles Herald Examiner Photo Collection.

We've got an inter-league double header for you folks tonight with a full history of the Dodgers all the way from Brooklyn to LA (3:41) followed immediately by the full history of the Kings (1:01:20) all the way from LA to slightly more north in LA. Play puck!


BONUS HALLOWEEN Episode: Angelino Flights! (Carroll Ave Victorian Homes)


Episode 21: Uproot-Root-Root for the Home Team (Pre-Dodger Baseball and the Uprooting of Chavez Ravine)