Episode 5: City Bites (Original L.A. Dishes)


Tommy Koulax at the original Tommy's Original (Courtesy Tommy's Original).

In episode five of the L.A Meekly podcast, we cover some of the dishes that put Los Angeles on the food map (“L.A Food Maps of the Stars” is a thing).

We cover some of the great accidental dishes and humble restaurant-named-after-their-chef’s restaurants, including: Los Angeles’s Philippe’s, Hollywood Blvd’s C.C Brown’s and the Hot Fudge SundaeThe Rite SpotPtomaine Tommy’s and Tommy’s Burgers, as well as the Brown Derby, home of the Cobb salad and Orange Julius, home of the Orange Julius.


Episode 5.5: City Bites - Back for Seconds?


Episode 4: Griffith vs. Getty (The Griffith Observatory and The Getty Center)