Episode 4: Griffith vs. Getty (The Griffith Observatory and The Getty Center)


J. Paul Getty at Jerash (ancient Gerasa) in Jordan, 1954. Institutional Archives, Getty Research Institute.

Nothing like stirring up an old timey feud, especially when we fabricate it. 

We put The Griffith Observatory and the Getty Center toe to toe and see who can duke it out for the heavyweight belt of the most enlightened building. IN THIS CORNER! Crazy ole’ Colonel Griffith J. Griffith makes his second appearance on L.A Meekly, sans the ostriches and double down on the crazy, and J. Paul Getty, one of the richest men in Los Angeles history, is introduced with fresh clean socks which he himself washed. 

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Episode 5: City Bites (Original L.A. Dishes)


Episode 3: Broadway Theater District